Product, Messaging, Strategy and Speaking

Andrew Klein

Cybersecurity and technology communicator specializing in making complex concepts understandable to all.

Software manager, architect, and engineer able to execute on all aspects of the application lifecycle, from requirements to implementation.

Sales Engineering manager and large group presenter experienced with customer interaction, executive briefings, tradeshow presentation and creative vision demos.


  • Art of Simplexity

    The ability to transform complex ideas and information into easily understood concepts.

  • Master Any Technology

    Emerging technology? Tech your organization has never seen before? No problem.

  • Wide Experience

    Success across numerous organizations, departments and roles.

  • Depth of Skills

    Expertise that spans everything from writing, coding and speaking.


  • A tremendously talented individual with a broad base of skills. One of his primary strengths is his ability to 'think outside the box' and come up with great, innovative ideas.

    Art SpazianoTechnical Manager at Progress Software
  • He can take a step back and look at the bigger picture to figure out the best approach. He sure can get into all the technical details but he doesn't get lost in them.

    Ingo SchubertTechnical Leader at RSA Secrity
  • He has incredible management skills. He offers his interns the help and guidance along with freedom in order to perform the work themselves which allows a great amount of learning in the process. Always prepared to answer my questions and highly punctual.

    Amy SheinhaitEngineering Manager

Feel free to contact me!